
Depression Treatment Gaithersburg, MD

Depression Treatment Gaithersburg, MD

Are you in need of a professional depression treatment center in Gaithersburg, MD?

Ketamine is a rapid-acting antidepressant that has recently gained use in the treatment of severe mental health disorders and chronic pain. Originally, ketamine was used to induce anesthesia in operation rooms before medical researchers stumbled upon its antidepressant characteristics. Today, ketamine has become one of the most sought after depression medications.

How does ketamine work? Most mental disorders overpower the body by disrupting the nervous system in the brain. ketamine works by re-establishing the “broken” connections and fostering new healthy synaptic nerve connections. This means that the brain can go back to working normally. Ketamine is administered in small doses through an IV infusion and provides relief from chronic symptoms of depression within a few hours. Unlike most antidepressants, ketamine has no life-changing side effects and offers a more permanent remedy for various mental conditions.

best ketamine infusion for depression treatment gaithersburg md

What Exactly is Depression?

Depression is a mental disorder that affects thousands of Gaithersburg residents every day. It is a very serious problem that makes the patient feel terrible and deprives them of their will to live. Usually, depression can result from a number of causes including past trauma, uncontrolled stress, existing medical conditions, and substance abuse. There are also individuals with a genetic predisposition to mental disorders like depression.

Many people undergo bouts of mild depression at least once or twice in their lives. This can easily be treated through self-care and simple lifestyle changes. For severe cases, the patients endure serious symptoms for extended periods of time. If left untreated, chronic depression can become a life-threatening condition. This type of depression can only be treated through the help of a medical professional.

There are several different forms of depression but most of them have similar symptoms at their onset. These symptoms include feeling helpless and hopeless, low energy levels, extreme fatigue, poor muscle coordination, loss of appetite, extreme sadness, and feeling demotivated.

Can Depression Be Cured?

Although there is no instant cure for depression, the disorder is highly treatable. There are numerous treatment options that can help people manage this psychological condition and hopefully get rid of it once and for all. Below is an overview of some of the most common treatments for depression and what they entail:

Natural/Self-help Depression Treatments

As mentioned earlier, mild depression can be treated at home through simple lifestyle changes. These changes include everything from learning some mind relaxation techniques to the use of natural supplements. Most natural treatments employ a holistic approach and are very popular around the world.

Eat Healthily

Eating healthy foods is a form of therapy by itself. According to mental health professionals from Gaithersburg, MD, a balanced diet supplies your body with the energy it needs to fight-off illness including depression and anxiety. Some of the most recommended foods for people suffering from mental disorders include whole grains, fruits, fresh vegetables, and proteins. However, it is very common for people suffering from depression to undergo severe loss of appetite. If this happens, you should consider eating small healthy snacks every now and then as a coping mechanism.


Doing physical exercises that are considered to be cardiovascular in nature is a great way to step-up your heart rate and trigger the release of endorphins. These chemicals have the power to boost your mood and make you feel more energized. Additionally, exercising on a regular basis helps improve your overall body health.


While a balanced diet can supply your body with all the nutrients it requires to function optimally, there is always the chance that your body is missing a little bit one or two essential nutrients. As such, people suffering from different mental disorders are advised to take various dietary supplements and vitamins on top of eating a healthy diet in order to give their bodies a fighting chance.

There are also several types of natural antidepressants including herbs and essential oils that have shown great potential in the fight against depression. This combined with the fact that natural antidepressants have little to no side effects has greatly contributed to their popularity. However, you have to be very careful when using these products to ensure you are getting only the best quality and quantity.


Meditation is a mind-relaxation technique and probably one of the oldest and most effective treatments for mood disorders. Numerous studies have confirmed that different forms of meditation can help reduce the symptoms associated with various mental illnesses. Apparently, depression patients who meditate regularly tend to sleep better and often display an improvement in their behavioral and cognitive body functions.

Conventional Treatments for Depression

Conventional treatments refer to scientific approaches including prescription medication, counseling, and other forms of therapies like ECA. Just like the name suggests, conventional treatments assume a more center-stage role in the treatment of depression.


Counseling or “talk therapy” involves disclosing your inner thoughts to a therapist. You can talk about your life and the feelings you have about various things, especially those that bother you a lot. This expression of feelings is a major part of the treatment process as it helps pinpoint the root cause of your depression. Psychotherapy is arguably one of the most effective ways of treating patients with mild to moderate depression.

Sometimes, day to day challenges can hold us down and spur the condition because we are not able to let things go. However, opening up to your therapist can help you learn to deal with such situations in a more positive way. Studies have also shown that sharing your troubles can help you feel better about your self which is in line with the old saying- a problem shared is a problem half-solved. Some of the most common approaches to psychotherapy include humanistic, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).


Antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed medication for the treatment of severe depression in Gaithersburg, MD. Essentially, the purpose of the prescription medication is not to cure the disorder but to help the patients regain control of their lives and get them in contention to find a more permanent solution to their problem- say through psychotherapy. However, the process is not as simple as it sounds: the patient might have to go through several different types of medications before they can find something that works for them. One of the main disadvantages of using antidepressants is the fact that they pose the risk of some serious life-changing side effects like anxiety, impaired vision, insomnia, and erectile dysfunction. Before getting on any antidepressant medication, make sure you fully understand the risks.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECA)

Electroconvulsive Therapy is also known as shock therapy. It is a form of treatment where the patient is put under anesthesia and an electrical shock is administered to induce a seizure. This is believed to trigger the release of neurotransmitters that facilitate communication between nerves in the brain. ECA is not unheard of in Gaithersburg. However, its uses have dwindled over the years mainly due to the high-risk factors associated with the procedure. The discovery of ketamine as a safe and more effective treatment for major mood disorders has also contributed greatly to its disuse.

Ketamine for Depression Treatment

Ketamine is a rapid-acting antidepressant that has recently gained use in the treatment of severe mental health disorders and chronic pain. Originally, ketamine was used to induce anesthesia in operation rooms before medical researchers stumbled upon its antidepressant characteristics. Today, ketamine has become one of the most sought after depression medications.

How does ketamine work? Most mental disorders overpower the body by disrupting the nervous system in the brain. ketamine works by re-establishing the “broken” connections and fostering new healthy synaptic nerve connections. This means that the brain can go back to working normally. Ketamine is administered in small doses through an IV infusion and provides relief from chronic symptoms of depression within a few hours. Unlike most antidepressants, ketamine has no life-changing side effects and offers a more permanent remedy for various mental conditions.

ketamine infusion clinic near gaithersburg md

If you are suffering from chronic pain and other symptoms of severe mental illness that can’t seem to go away even after using different prescription medications, a ketamine infusion therapy might be just what you need! We offers friendly ketamine treatment services and is your go-to Ketamine clinic for depression in Gaithersburg, MD. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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