OCD Treatment Gaithersburg, MD
OCD Treatment Gaithersburg, MD
Searching for a trusted OCD Treatment Provider in Gaithersburg, MD? We Can Help! When administered Ketamine in low doses, its molecules bind to receptors in the brain that levels up the amount of glutamate. The result is your body reacting positively to triggers which brings out more positive emotions. This usually occurs within an hour of intake although some people might experience positive health changes after several doses of the treatment.
Some patients have reported being able to go to public toilets, attending social gatherings, and improvement in other social behaviors within the first week of treatment. Also, exposure therapy taken after Ketamine infusion treatments can better brain health significantly and help one create more positive rituals in life.

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-campulsive disorder is a mental health illness that triggers recurring thoughts and feelings or sensations or in certain cases tendencies to perform one particular thing again and again (compulsions). It’s a challenging psychiatric health problem to figure out and merely just a few decades ago medical scientists believed it was actually an uncommon disease that affected a handful of people. Today, mental health disorders affect more than 2.3% of the total American population.
Though it is a difficult-to-treat illness, a skilled therapist can help you manage OCD through evidence-based therapy practices. Obsessive-campulsive disorder (OCD) can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the person affected. The most popular example is the extreme fear of germs, characterized by compulsive hand washing. Other compulsions may include, arranging things in a certain “right way”, fear of going “crCOy”, or even fear of moral and religious obligations.
Signs and Symptoms of OCD
Symptoms of OCD vary and can be separated into obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are repetitive, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts, impulses, and images. Compulsions, on the other hand, are repetitive behaviors and mental acts generally done to reduce the distress caused by obsessions.
Popular instances of obsessive behavior include:
- Constant fears that something bad may happen to you or a loved one
- Extreme need to do things the “right way”
- Disturbing sexual, religious, or violent thoughts
- Excessive fear of getting contaminated by germs or dirt
- Superstitious thoughts leading to considering some things lucky or unlucky
- Fear of losing control and harming others or yourself
What Causes OCD?
Though several scientific theories have explained how one may end up getting Obsessive-campulsive disorder, the exact cause of OCD is rarely understood. For most, the anxiety associated with the disorder has many contributing factors and is generally complex.
Not to worry, you can learn how your loved one might have developed the disorder by recognizing certain aspects and taking the necessary steps to manage anxiety. Generally, anxiety disorders like OCD can occur if one or a combination of the following show:
Genetic factors
A report from the American Journal of Medical Genetics suggests that in family members with a history of obsessive-campulsive disorder, OCD, there is a 25% chance that an immediate family member will also show symptoms. However, we are yet to see an evidence-based study that indicates the specific genes responsible for OCD.
However, it is also possible that a child can have OCD symptoms in a family with a history of the condition without genetic relations. In such instances, a child may learn the obsessive-campulsive behaviors by growing up with a parent who has this health condition.
Biological factors
Brain imaging reports have shown OCD patients to have irregular brain activity than normal people. Some have differing blood flow in certain areas of the brain. Perhaps the most common example of the disorder OCD is the lack of activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex- a part of the brain responsible for notifying us that something is safe.
Research also suggests that some OCD symptoms are linked with a lack of communication between certain regions of the brain. For instance, there is a disrupted connection between the basal ganglia and the front of the brain in OCD patients.
While these changes prove a connection between OCD and brain activity, it is still unclear whether they cause OCD or vice versa.
Environmental factors
It is clear that some stressful events can cause trauma or even trigger OCD in people who already have a high risk of the condition. Other studies show that most people with OCD symptoms have reported suffering from a traumatic event before the onset of its symptoms. Also, you may develop OCD symptoms after becoming seriously ill from contamination of germ resulting in compulsive cleaning or washing of hands.
Cognitive Theory
In the cognitive theory of OCD, someone who has misinterpreted intrusive thoughts might have OCD. Everyone has intrusive thoughts, but when OCD patients have the same thoughts, they take them more seriously and sometimes can lead to catastrophic outcomes.
When you repeatedly misinterpret your thoughts, they can easily turn into obsessions. And, to neutralize these obsessions, you may develop compulsions to deal with the anxiety caused by obsessions. Cognitive theory suggests that taking meaning in intrusive thoughts can lead to an inflated sense of responsibility, which in turn creates anxiety.
Learned behavior
There is also a theory that suggests OCD is a learned behavior and OCD symptoms are a result of someone picking up negative ideas and behaviors. This mostly occurs from life experiences. For example, if your parents had a similar condition, you may pick up certain fears as you grow which can develop to OCD.
Consequently, you may develop certain specific rituals to cope with the developed compulsive behaviors. This cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you cope with its symptoms and find healthier ways to manage your anxiety. Learned avoidance is also another theory linked with learned behaviors. For instance, those with this condition can learn to avoid certain situations and find ways to cope with it.
OCD Treatments
While it seems difficult to break free from the compulsions and obsessions you have to live with every day, it is still possible. There are great treatment options for obsessive-campulsive disorder (OCD), patients such as medical treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT), talk therapies, exposure therapies, or a combination of therapies.
Despite the wide array of treatment options, treatments like prescribed medications can take up to 12 weeks for one to see significant changes in symptoms of this behavioral disorder. According to the Recovery Village, suddenly abandoning medication without a gradual approach or cognitive behavioral therapy will lead to OCD relapse.
The most common forms of medications are antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs), which are both effective and FDA-approved. Such medications include Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, and Paxil. Other non-FDA approved antidepressants that still prove to be effective in OCD treatment include Effexor and Cymbalta.
The latest discovery in OCD treatments is Ketamine IV infusions as they have their cutting edge effectiveness for hard-to-treat OCD and related disorders. Ketamine is used on patients who don’t respond to first option medications and cognitive therapy(CBT). Ketamine IV is a popular option because the effects of treatment can be felt as soon as 24 hours after receiving the first dose of medication. Contact Ketamine Baltimore for more information about Ketamine IV as a treatment for OCD.
Obstacles to OCD Treatment
Treatment for OCD is readily available in treatment centers but will require someone’s will for proper treatment. Here are a few hurdles to OCD treatment:
- Lack of public awareness of OCD symptoms. The name OCD just popped up recently and before people didn’t even know it existed, let alone finding the right treatment.
- Hiding behavioral OCD symptoms. Mostly due to embarrassment or fear. Some people with OCD choose not to reveal their symptoms.
Problems finding local therapists who can diagnose and treat behavioral disorder effectively - The high cost of proper OCD treatment also makes OCD patients shy away from health centers.

If you are suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and other treatment methods have not helped, Ketamine can help. Unlike other treatment methods, Ketamine Infusions work fast, with many patients feeling better in just a few hours.
if you would like to learn more about our Ketamine Infusions for OCD Treatment in Gaithersburg, MD contact us today and schedule your FREE Ketamine Therapy Consultation